What is “The Hub” ?

THE HUB is about improving the quality of education in Australia. It refers to the one thing that should be at the heart, the hub, of every school – the school library.  We are a gathering of educators united by a common concern that too many Australian students no longer have regular access to a well resourced, adequately staffed library.

Federal funding was removed from Australian school libraries almost thirty years ago.

Research has consistently shown that school libraries make a difference to student learning and academic achievement, yet in recent years, anecdotal evidence tells us that library budgets have plummeted across the country. Staffing levels have also been greatly reduced in an effort to save money.  Faced with global budgeting shortfalls, principals are forced to make cutbacks, and unfortunately, the library has often been the easiest place to do this.  At a time when literacy and information literacy is at the forefront of educational concern, libraries in schools have never been more crucial.

When Kevin Rudd campaigned on the promise of an education revolution in 2007, The Hub was formed. It brought the issues of school libraries to the attention our politicians and the media.

The three key aims of The Hub are to

Increase public awareness of the significant contributions made by school libraries and teacher librarians to further the academic achievement and lifelong learning of our students.

Establish a growing network of school library advocates, including parents, teachers, principals, university teacher educators, teacher’s union officials, library associations, departmental officers, politicians, public and media personalities, students and teacher librarians.

Lobby for legislation ensuring adequate and equitable funding and staffing of school libraries across all states and territories.

Make your library the hub of your school. Click here for a brief introduction to school libraries in Australia (including important distinctions), then click on ‘Parents’, ‘Teachers’, or ‘Principals’ to read more about how libraries and teacher librarians support quality schooling, and how you can be an advocate for your school library.

There is no such thing as a good education without a good school library.

For more about The Hub see the excellent article in Magpies Vol.23, May 2008, by Kerry White (Here is the first page. The Hub article) and in
Connections No. 69 Term 2 2009.

Who is The Hub?