A new friend for school libraries

11 01 2008

We at The Hub are pleased to announce that Dr Alan Bundy, president of Friends of Libraries Australia, has been in touch to express his support for our cause.  Many thanks to Alan for his kind words, which you can read here. 

Click here to read Dr Bundy’s article published in The Sydney Morning Herald last month, discussing the lack of funding for public libraries in Australia. Many of the underlying issues echo the problems faced by school libraries.

Build a library, build a clever country

“….. So why is there a public library funding problem in a wealthy country like Australia? Why doesn’t Australia invest in its public libraries at $100 a year per person as Denmark does, rather than $33 a year? Put it down to limited understanding of what modern public libraries are about, no national strategy for their development, cost shifting, the blame game, and disconnected levels of government.”